Welcome to DaveHitt.com, a Portal for all of Dave's Online Projects and Web Sites
The Quick Hitts Blog – We've always been warned that it's not polite to discuss religion or politics. Dave is not polite. The QH Blog provides commentary on religion, politics, pop culture, junk science, atheism, nannies, bad business, and anything else that catches his eye, seasoned with a dollop of snark and a dash of humor. It is the only blog that gets you Smartenized.®
The Quick Hitts Podcast – Your Own Portable Hittman. Short, pithy podcasts in the unmistakable Hittman style. Get Smartenized® on the go.
The Facts – The Facts about Second Hand Smoke The anti-smoker movement has convinced the general public that the slightest whiff of second hand smoke is deadly. They also claim that smoking bans are good for business. The Facts will help you dig through the hype and determine the validity of their claims. In the process you'll develop expertise in the confusing science of statistics, which will help tune your bullshit meter to deal with any medical claims, not just those about SHS. |
Older Sites
The Hittman Chronicle – THMC, established on April 1, 1999, was the original davehitt.com site. Although it's no longer being updated, it contains millions of articles on a variety of subjects, movie reviews, and other features designed to leave you amused, amazed and Smartenized®. |
The Podcast Peer Awards – The Podcast Peer Awards were designed to give recognition to outstanding podcasts and their creators. Although the awards were retired in 2009, the lists of winners and finalists are a great place to find some of the best podcasts in the known universe.
The ISFP Improv Handbook – When Dave started the improv troupe The {Insert Something Funny} Players, he created a handbook for his actors. The book grew into a 140+ page document listing hundreds of games, helpful lists, and advice on performing and directing. |
The Old Quick Hitts Blog – Dave's original Quick Hitts Blog was ugly. But it was also fun and pithy and full of the wit and attitude his readers have come to expect. It is presented here for its hysterical historical value. |